Privacy Policy

This is the web site of Text Unlimited. We can be reached via e-mail at admin . textunlimited [at] gmail dot com

We collect the names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of those who post messages to our bulletin board, submitting text and other information via our Submit Text form and Textmates Directory (Textmate Finder) submission form, the e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail, the e-mail addresses of those who make postings to our chat areas, user-specific information on what pages users access or visit, information volunteered by users, such as survey information and/or site registrations, name and address, telephone number.

The information we collect is used to improve the content of our Web page, used to customize the content and/or layout of our page for each individual visitor, used to connect users with other users, used to notify users about updates to our Web site.

If you do not want to receive e-mail from us in the future, please let us know by sending us e-mail at the above address.

If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above address.