Pooh as Manny Poohquiao on Wowowee!

Pooh's da Best!... Everybody loves Pooh. So I've got to embed these vids on Text Unlimited. :D Enjoy poohlks!! Part One Part Two If you enjoy this post, share it. And feel free to leave comments.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha!!! I loved him since birth! :D

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!! Me, too! I love him eversince the world began turning in reverse. :D

hagibis said...

i'm in bad need to contact manny pooh. i have to send him an invitation for a show in macau. if there's anyone out there who can help me, please do. please send information on how to contact him on my emailad, dennis_perez39@yah00.com. Thanks

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