15 Ways 2 Kip Relationships Working....

15 Ways 2 keep rElatioNshiPs Working... 1. LoVe eAch oTher.. 2. Don'T liE... 3. Keep CoMmunic8ioN open.. 4. Stay sWeet... 5. wHen you get Hurt jusT 4gve&4get... 6. neVer Talk about BreakUps!.. 7. NeVr say itS ok evn If itS not... 8. 4get about "PRIDE" 9. If yoU saY sori Mean it.. 10. Dnt Compare ur past to your presenT.. 11. dnt Talk about Ur s2pid x's.. 12. Gve and Take proCes.. 13. Be aware oF his/her feelings.. 14. Wen you hAd fyt dnt let The dAy pAss.. 15. Dnt be the Perfect one, BE THE RIGHT ONE!.. -09215499720, Philippines


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