Blind Date


Max Tiktin said...

watched you on mybloglog.Entered to check the things personally :)
Rich blog..put the important stuff all the way up..
recomendation : grey font of the text is not visible on black background , i suggest : fading yellow font ..or ..fading white.
Good Ex: SEOs from many SearchEngineFamily design teams saw that Google's combination of Blue(link) Black(text results preview) and Green (link to a site) is a winning combo on white background , if you 'll notice every self respective searchEngine today uses such a profitable color combo just to make sure they're as comfortable to view as Google..
happy blogging ..are you blog-addicted btw ? cos , definitely , i am..greetz !!!

André said...

I finally did it... I don't know why, but last days I was unable to open your blog... Embrace

Edward Padgett said...

I wasn't planning to say anything, but after reading the comment from Max, I have to agree. The text is very hard to read, maybe try white text.

The video was funny, sure happy that wasn't me.

Ed in Los Angeles

Anonymous said...

hELLO Max Tiktin & Ed Padgett,

Thanks a lot, guys, for the comments and suggestions. I appreciate it much. I finally changed the grey font to fading white (#CCCCCC). I thought the grey font was ok, though I had a little doubt about it on the black background somehow.

Thanks Again! Happy day! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello André,

Thanks a lot for coming. I f you don't mind, please let me know if you experience it again.. as I have doubts with the loading of Text Unlimited's pages on IE7 and Firefox.

lilyruth said...

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