Life and happiness..

Texter: Maja (Number withheld)
Heaven is not for people who are better than the rest.. but for people who sincerely try to become better than they are. * * * Jesus will knock on the door of your heart today.. looking for a place to stay. the moment u see Him let Him in.. offer Him the best room in ur heart.. * * * What would you do if your friend was gone tomorrow and u never told them how u felt? So I just wanna say, you are special to me and u've made a diffrence in my life. I look up to you, respect you and cherish you. * * * B-egin ur day w/ L-ove in God E-expect His blessing S-hare goodness S-hine like the sun I-nspire someone N-ever forget that G-OD is with u all the time. * * * God needs to know what u want.. not becoz He easily forgets but becoz.. He loves to feel the sweetness of ur prayer. * * * Life isn't perfect.. U will have to cry and fail. U may also lose hope.. But hey, let me just remind u.. I'm here.. not to make life perfect.. but to make life simple yet happy. :)


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